Art & Design

Our Art Vision: 

At Brindley Heath, our art curriculum has been designed to give pupils exposure to the work of a wide ranging and inspirational selection of artists, designers and architects from around the world. Experimentation and exploration of different materials and media will be experienced and encouraged as children progress through their art learning journey, gaining extensive knowledge and skills to build on as they progress through their time at school.

Children are encouraged to express their individuality and creativity as they take inspiration from the work of others and develop their own style through sketchbook investigation and experimentation. Final outcomes and finished pieces will be exciting, innovative and thought-provoking, giving the children an opportunity to evaluate their own work and reflect upon the work of their peers, building pride and resilience.

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Brindley Academy

Enville Rd, Kinver,
Stourbridge, DY7 6AA
Telephone: 01384 872343